Friday, May 18, 2012

worst/best day ever

Ever had a 12 hour period were you couldn't be happier then all of a sudden you couldn't be sadder.... then back to HAPPY? Biopolor mood swings? I think not!

Lily and I had a wonderful day until I lost my phone (left it in the bathroom by the pool) and someone made haste with it.

We made omelets for breakfast, cupcakes followed by a small outting to the store and for gas, washed the car (she loves the old style car washes being manual) and then cooked by the pool swimming aorund in the sunshine all by ourselves. I was so cauhgt up and distracted I suppose in cloud 9 with my head up my *** I left my right hand, UGH! My phone! Downward spiral!!!

I went back and looked, and by then, of course there was 15 people there, non of which were stupid enough to be on my phone while I approached. Darn It cuz I was so ready to call it! Too bad. I checked the office and looked twice around the house... AT LEAST. then realizing what had to be done.... I left about 530 in evening traffic for the Sprint store THAT HOOKED ME UP!!!!

Only cuz Lily embarrassed the crap out've me... She was pretending to suck milk from my boob and made the guy (and myself who was mortally embarrassed and turned 8 shades of RED) laugh histerically. Surely why I got such a great deal on the phone! FREE 350 dollar phone! YES!!!

So scared I wouldn't have a phone, no alarm clock, no telling when I would've gotten a new one... UGH!!! It was better than insurance except I didn't get hte same exact phone. Assholes, I just bought a new case last month too! UGH!!!

Thank the Lord Lily endured my breakdown! She sang to me and said Mommy CALM DOWN It's  just a phone (at my request of course) and made me laugh too!

Bipolar I think not! It went from awesome to horrible and Sprint saved hte day! Don't rely so heavily on your phone.... I did and now I have nothing. So everyone email or text me your name and number - I am contactless. Boo WHO?

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