Tuesday, May 29, 2012

flower photography

love it!

almosts looks like cotton, a little out of focus but still nice

elegant, romantic, soft, but almost sharp in a way

I love the shaoe of each petal and the different color hues

color contrast and texture are absolutely devine
don't try and smell your computer lol

the depth and color contrast are amazing

(same as above)
it's like you could touch it

looks like a calendar

this last one is kinda cool
being that it is an orchid


My favorite one. It is a real flower and the effects made it so silky looking,
 like you could still touch and smell it. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!


that's Daddy and Lily somewhere in there :-)

Mommy tired (and still looken good!)
after the slowest day in the history of dispatch
I can't say as that I really dispatch anymore.
I am a laison between facilities and facilitator. lol 
which is very similiar to operative informant I have found
I have been stratigically places in a hornets nest
OUCH is right!

Yesterday was so slow and yet more difficult than a busy day.
All ready done more transports this morning
in a 3 hour time frame than all day yesterday in a 12 hour shift!
Jump out the window...

Today has started out to be fantastic and I will try my hardest to keep the momentum!
It is my Tuesday (yes, also literally Tuesday),
yet, also my Friday YEEEAAAHHH!!!!

Floating the Comal tomorrow! Can't wait!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Happy Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day Weekend was lots of fun. Hung out by the pool Saturday and visited with Lily's Godparents on Sunday. Had a few too many beverages but the Watermelon Spash and Dripping Springs vodka went down really good on a 'hot summer day' :-) I hope everyone had a safe, fun, happy holiday, and remembered to say thank you to all the armed forces and other's who served our country this weekend.

Ashley and Danny by the pool Saturday

Lily in her new suit and puddle jumper! That's a red bandana on her head.

helping make omelets for breakfast!

Mommy's hair looks great with her new curling iron!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

today's productivity...

here is some more art for you to smile at...

fireman's hat for EMS week

firetruck for EMS week

For all my old friends! (and new ones too)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

twelve noon...

I have done close to nothing all morning. VERY close to nothing. (work wise) I have readjusted our schedule and bills for the next month, updated my blog, and emailed my coworker, talked to Danny, and texted Christine and Andre. Hmm that is half the day. Oh, and set up about 3 transports. WOW! What a difference! This is such a change from my last job. Cannot even explain the difference this move has made on my body and soul!!

Here is my creativity for the day. Hope it brings you a smile.

Brought me to 1800. I go home in a hour.

After the day I had with my child care issues...

 I needed some stress free time.


Mommy packed frozen slushies.

See the turtle across the way?

Even if you don't catch any fish... It is so beautiful here... great way to spend the day!

Once Danny got off yesterday morning and we went fishing for while along with a picnic... Lily ate the whole time. :-)  Then we went poolside to have a lazy afternoon and BBQ. I got too much sun without enough water intake and got a roaring headache! It was a wonderful beautiful day in paradise though! I also love spending time with my two favorite people in the world!

I also found out being a protective mother has made me a prude. When we walked down to the park area, someone was smoking marijuana. When I smelled it I complained to Danny. They stopped, and we stayed to enjoy our day, but I laugh at myself now thinking, 'DID THAT USED TO BE ME?'

Nature Journal

Lily watches a new show on PBS (since we still don't have TV) called Sid the Science Kid. They made a Nature Journal and collected leaves to compare and contrast. Lily and I decided that would be something fun to do. Monday we started early collecting leaves for our project. It is a continuing project of collecting butterfly wings, leaves of different variety, and so forth.

Here are some pictures from her first entry. You can see comparison of color and size, also shapes. Some where also fuzzy and tickled her and one she said looked like Minnie Mouse's bow.

First Lily seperated the leaves by color, then size.
Then we looked at patterns and texture.

Here you can see three piles.

These are two small flowers with leaves.

These are yellow and brown but the same kind of leaves.

This is the biggest and the smallest leaf we found.
Do you know what kind of leaves they are? 
They are an oak leaf and a blade of grass.


Lily painting Minnie Mouse

Lily, Mommy and Danny handmade from paperdolls
with Cricut paperdolls cartridge

Surfer Boys!

Lily and I had a great day off together Monday. We took out the craft table and had a crafty morning. She colored on her new Disney Glitter paper her Mimi got for her, had glitter from one end of her to the other... I finished (just about) an entire summer - move to San Marcos album, including two pages with handmade paperdolls from the Cricut paperdolls cartridge dressed beachy, one page with a Lily Mommy and Daddy and another with two surfers. Now we just have to take a vacation to the beach and get some cool photos to add. Nice to be ready. I fell behind and have to catch up between summer 2010 and easter 2011 and then Eater til Halloween and all of this year I will stay on top of! I have time on my side now. Time management is no longer an issue. LOL!!! I also finsihed off a ballet page from fall of last year and added some Mickey Mouse brithday pictures to her scrapbook page of her third birthday. It was nice to see her look back at her life events (yes, I know she is only 4 now) but she all ready can remember events vividly by seeing the scrapbook pages I have made to record her precious memories! I will attach a couple photos. Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

today's productivity chart shows... zero

all work and no play makes your boss happy and all play and no work makes me happy.

yes, I realize there's no picture yet. I have yet to get a darkroom at work. But I am working on it.

The Road Not Taken - PLEASE READ

TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth; 5
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same, 10
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back. 15
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. 20
Author Robert Frost

Once again in our lives, we had a choice to make, and we went for it! It was hard, a rough row to hoe, but we made it, together as a family, for the good of our family. We made up our minds, not unlike our last move, picked a date, and we went for it. I traveled out a few times starting January testing and interviewing until it was getting too expensive to keep going back and forth due to the frequency. The first week or so of March, we all came. I knew you would fall in love with San Marcos and get the drive I had to relocate there.So be it, we were half way back to ElPaso in Junction when Daddy got a call for to interview the next day. He asked, “What do I do?” and I said, “Turn the car around!”We took the road less traveled.We gave our notice wihtout either one of us having jobs secured in San Marcos. Lily, Mommy, and one of the dogs traveled ahead because I had another interview scheduled and Daddy came later that week.It has been two months now and we all LOVE IT HERE! The only thing I’d change is to have done it sooner. Always remember it is perserverance, to set goals, and that only you can change your surroundings so don’t whine about it, make a change. You can do it!We took the road less traveled. That has made all the difference.
Author Danielle Mendez

Saturday, May 19, 2012