Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bad Customer Service

I have found a high amount of idiots in this town that have absolutely no customer service.

Bowling alley, case in point... I have Lily go ask the bowling alley employee for hte ramp she used there the first time she bowled... He says, by then I am by her side, it is only for special needs children. I immediately say well she used it last time. Are you calling my kid special needs LMAO! Isn't that discriminatory? Wierdo. So the guy says it is because some kid dropped a ballon their feet and crushed all the bones.. blah blah blah... You'd think they would do better with the ramp, than carrying and throwing the ball on their own. WT*? This is all reversed. I almost laughed aloud. Hmm, is that why they are now special needs, cuz they dropped the ball on their feet crushing them, cuz you WOULDN'T LET THEM USE THE FREAKEN RAMP?? Dumb A**!

Craft Store... they close all the registers for paying customers and say someone will help you at register 10. We like cattle move to register 10 where there is NO SALES ASSOCIATE to help anyone. After getting to the front and discussing at length whatever has caused this commotion, the clerk comes to register 10 only to state, I'll be with you in a moment, and begins to count her register. An idea: Maybe they should have backup cashiers count their drawers at the beginning of shift so when they are called to run them, they have the drawer ready people!!! Commotion was due to a shop lifter which you would think was the excitemnt of a lifetime for these mngrs acting like special ops chasing the suspect down in the parking lot. (More like Inspector Gadget! but with the lack of Penny and Brain!)

Hey, I have a brilliant freaken idea... why don't you pay more attention to the paying customers you do have instead of 4 of your staff memebers running outside after a license plate one could have collected had they remembered a freaken pen! Stoopid. If they were not a monopoly and myself a crafter, I would not be returning. Poor mislead staff members under the direction of this so called management team.

Then we go to pay and they can't break a 100 because it is a new drawer. The clerk then has to wait for mngt to finish talking to bring change. Meanwhile I suggest simply getting it from the associate opening behind her and she states she cannot, it has to come from the CM, or whatever title acronym this idiot holds. I have another bright freaken idea... give each teller enough in a new drawer to make change for a hundred even if it is their first paying customer. Geezis. Of course it was awhile before the CM could tear herself away from the excitement long enough to bring change and the line was very backed up. The obvious minimum wage employee looked at my husband and myself like we had caused some atrosity in her store. Excuse me? Give me my money as I laugh at you for even feeling important. Shove it. I should've walked out after having them ring up a huge basket full of goods. But I really wanted the item had waited that long. I had also drug my husband along which is a feet in itself I knew woudl not be repeated any time soon. I'd love to say it was humerous to observe civilian craft store special ops in motion, but truely it was not at all funny - more annoying but you have to make light of the situation or be evacuated out the back....

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