Thursday, September 27, 2012

crafty stuff... no letter press for me

cowboy Mickey

fall greetings

love the hint of color with gold overtones

celebration Mickey

neat technique... wrong colors for this design

Santa Mickey

snow Mickey

Spider web designs for Halloweek cards

Valentines Mickey


I will never, ever, ever bitch about Austin traffic again! It took me 1 hr and 27 min to get to work today because of freeway closure. ANother 18 wheeler, although this time didn't run someone over, but overturned and was leaking fuel. 700 gallons all over the freeway as they tried pumping the rest out into another tanker. (9000 gallons was the full load) I told Danny I drove through county, halfway to Houston to double back from East of Austin... Traffic was horrible regardless because everyone had to divert around. It was like driving in the inside of a cow's belly following a sea of lights. Very intense. Anyway, I made it and it's my Friday... :-) Has to get better from here.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

1 of my favorite things in the world

I love these colors and Peacock feathers in general. The design and natural beauty are beautiful.

Bad Hair Day

Grumpy looking lil Monkey!

I love the hair ~ those highlights are to 'dye' for! LOL!!!


Somedays I feel like I work in a prianah tank.

roses from Danny

Daddy Bear

So for homework she was told to draw a small, medium, and large bear. Cracks me up... she draws a little bear and a mommy bear a little larger and then check Daddy Bear out... I asked her what is that? It is hair... Danny is so not hairy! LOL! 



Mommy finally pulled it out!!!

Got my tooth fairy pillow out so I'll get my gold coins for my tooth tonight!

Sept 25th, 2012

Iris folding - ballerina

start with the right tools. You will need an exacto knife, blades and tape, lots of tape.

Find a template, or make your own. When printing from the computer, you can size to your needs and either fit to a card space or scrapbook page. Aso chose your layout and colors for your page (card or scrapbook) prior to beginning your project. Pick your colors, pick 4-5 different patterns either similar or close. This pattern required a peachish color for the skin for example. I will not be rotating color strips throughout, I will do different pieces using different papers.

Use packaging tape to ' laminate' the tmeplate so it is more durable and reusable.

tape the template face down on the paper you are using. I choose a lavendar cardstock I will implement into a dance page on a scrapbook. Remember when taping the template down this will be the side that faces up. Make sure you use a tape that holds, but is easy to remove. You don't want to do all the work then have your card front ruined when you remove the template.  

This is my cardstock with the template cut out and removed.
The template is just flipped over then retaped down for assembly.

I choose this paper for the 'belt of the ballet gown.

In the skirt I alternated papers using polka dots and pink.

The peach is the skin and the crackle is the ballet top. 

Begin assembly (remember you are working from the back and template is taped to the FRONT of the card.) You are supposed to follow the numbers in order on your template. I deviated a little to show you an example of how this works. I placed the belt first as it was the only strip of that color I was using on this project. I thne placed hte first strip of the dress. I went back to the feet and did the feet first, since the strips of the dress would cover the feet up if not. 

When the feet were complete, I went back to the dress, alternating strips across the belt line. Make sure hte tape doesn't go into the bodice area. make sure every piece is secure to the card, as well as the piece before it. When finishing a section, tape the section end down as well to secure it. You can't use too much tape. Tape will make your project more durable and lay flat.
You can trip excess paper and tape down but don't trim strips too short.  

This is a piece cut specifically for the brow of the hairline.

You can see it here in place. Also the hair and bun shoudl be done in a different color, but I will color them darker myself afterwards. Don't be afraid.

Next is the hands, in the peach color, same as the feet.

Then fllow the numbers to the body. Some pieces are long and some are short so don't precut your pieces.

The last thing is the face. Make sure the chopped hairline is covered fully so there is no light let thru.

My ballerina. Beautiful!!!
It took me two hours to do.
It is well worth the patience and time put into it.
You will be so pleased with your finsihed work.
This is the biggest (largest) iris template I have ever done.

I love it.

snowflakes with different techniques

moon sand

8 cups of flour and 1 cup of baby oil

bowling with Daddy

Lily and Daddy bowling day!

I can lift my 6 lb ball!

First frame, a strike for Lily!

lemon slushy - and she shall have slushies wherever she goes.

The ramp for special kids!

Lily's is yellow today. Daddy's is purple.

LOOKS GOOD to pick em up! This little girl LOVES BOWLING!

Bad Customer Service

I have found a high amount of idiots in this town that have absolutely no customer service.

Bowling alley, case in point... I have Lily go ask the bowling alley employee for hte ramp she used there the first time she bowled... He says, by then I am by her side, it is only for special needs children. I immediately say well she used it last time. Are you calling my kid special needs LMAO! Isn't that discriminatory? Wierdo. So the guy says it is because some kid dropped a ballon their feet and crushed all the bones.. blah blah blah... You'd think they would do better with the ramp, than carrying and throwing the ball on their own. WT*? This is all reversed. I almost laughed aloud. Hmm, is that why they are now special needs, cuz they dropped the ball on their feet crushing them, cuz you WOULDN'T LET THEM USE THE FREAKEN RAMP?? Dumb A**!

Craft Store... they close all the registers for paying customers and say someone will help you at register 10. We like cattle move to register 10 where there is NO SALES ASSOCIATE to help anyone. After getting to the front and discussing at length whatever has caused this commotion, the clerk comes to register 10 only to state, I'll be with you in a moment, and begins to count her register. An idea: Maybe they should have backup cashiers count their drawers at the beginning of shift so when they are called to run them, they have the drawer ready people!!! Commotion was due to a shop lifter which you would think was the excitemnt of a lifetime for these mngrs acting like special ops chasing the suspect down in the parking lot. (More like Inspector Gadget! but with the lack of Penny and Brain!)

Hey, I have a brilliant freaken idea... why don't you pay more attention to the paying customers you do have instead of 4 of your staff memebers running outside after a license plate one could have collected had they remembered a freaken pen! Stoopid. If they were not a monopoly and myself a crafter, I would not be returning. Poor mislead staff members under the direction of this so called management team.

Then we go to pay and they can't break a 100 because it is a new drawer. The clerk then has to wait for mngt to finish talking to bring change. Meanwhile I suggest simply getting it from the associate opening behind her and she states she cannot, it has to come from the CM, or whatever title acronym this idiot holds. I have another bright freaken idea... give each teller enough in a new drawer to make change for a hundred even if it is their first paying customer. Geezis. Of course it was awhile before the CM could tear herself away from the excitement long enough to bring change and the line was very backed up. The obvious minimum wage employee looked at my husband and myself like we had caused some atrosity in her store. Excuse me? Give me my money as I laugh at you for even feeling important. Shove it. I should've walked out after having them ring up a huge basket full of goods. But I really wanted the item had waited that long. I had also drug my husband along which is a feet in itself I knew woudl not be repeated any time soon. I'd love to say it was humerous to observe civilian craft store special ops in motion, but truely it was not at all funny - more annoying but you have to make light of the situation or be evacuated out the back....

A land of parks.. Landa Park, New Braunfels

Landa Parks, New Braunfels is one of the places Lily just loves! She got to choose between the library and Landa parks, which she calls ALANDA PARKS. She choose... ALANDA PARKS, but when we got there, everything was closed, the train, the paddle boats and mini golf. BOO! Looks like we'll have to go back this weekend. It was still a time. Danny and Lily played chase the ducks and climb in teh tree like a monkey. We enjoyed a nice drive, and we stopped at Buckey's. Lily got her choice of slushies between the 15 flavors of slurpie heaven and Danny and I got some Sam Adams Octoberfest Brew. It was so filling I had 2, maybe 3 and felt the 5.3%. We  had the brisket in the oven and made okra and potatoes for dinner. We also played Wii sports and the new bowling game. Fun family times.


"I can't turn the pages!"

"This is tall up here."


"Daddy, you get up there!"

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Homemade 'Clay' Ordaments

Better than salt dough. Clay - 1/2 cup cornstarch 1 cup baking soda 3/4 cup water Bake at 175

Pinterest & Google

Have I told you all how much I love Google and Pinterest? LUV IT!!!

CHEAP Teeth Whitening

Nite White thru Amzon as low as 13.00 (plus shipping and handling) for 3 gel tubes use with mouth guard (not to exceed 30 minutes or it will hurt your gums).

Homemade Mask

Mix 2 Tablespoons honey, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, and 1 teaspoon of nutmeg per mask. Let mixture sit 30 minutes and spread on face. Let sit approx 10-15 minutes and the rinse using circular motion.

Relaxing aroma.

(My husband loves nutmeg and cinnamon. He might lick this off of me. UH OH)

Homemade Candles

Remeber you can use old candles and revamp them, add color or scent using scented oils or aroma beads, and food coloring or crayons. Cotton string cut 1/2 inch up for wick works the best.

From scratch use glycerin, grade soap, and add water. Don't overheat, wax will light on fire. Be careful not to burn yourself (or anyone else) also.

Put in tea cups for an anytime gift, and winter theme coffee cups for an easy gift.

Homemade Detergent Powder and Liquid

Powder Detergent: 2 Cups grated bar soap, 1 C Borax, & 1 C washing soda. Use 2 Tablespoons per load. This is so inexpensive and you can make to your liking, with a scent you love.

Liquid Detergent: 1 Cup Bar Soap grated in saucepan cover with water and heat til melted. Add to 1 -1.5 gal of warm (hot) water and add 1 Cup of washing soda.

Bulk: 12 Cups Borax 8 Cups Baking Soda, 8 Cups Washing Soda 8 Cups grated Bar Soap - Use 1/8 Cup powder per load. I like this however if you get tired of the scent, you are stuck with it awhile.

Suggestions: Zote or Yardley soap, both inexpensive and full of delightful clean and fragrant aroma.

Homemade Pore Cleansing Strips

Pore cleansing strips... Wash your face with normal cleanser for you rskin type. Apply Elmers glue to problem areas, normally your nose, chin, forehead, & cheeks. Apply gauze to cover glue and wait 10-15 minutes until completely dry until you peel off.