Sunday, September 11, 2022

Sunday blues

Trying to enjoy a Sunday with my family, before the week begins, again, I'm in a funk, mood, if you will. I try and push worry away, I have tomorrow alone to deal with that. Why waste time worrying? I am trying not to clean house, or even cook as to enjoy US today. Beer is iced down, laundry and homework being done, something to grill later. Money isn't great, but today we're just fine and have everything we need. Gas in the car, roof over our heads, food, and other wants... not just needs. So why the blue? I don't want to craft, as I can do that in alone time. I have watered my lovely plants, and don't want to clean the yard, but just relax. Why do I find that so hard? Tomorrow we go back to the grind. Today, with us 3 together, is just to enjoy. I need to kick the funk and enjoy it!! and each other. Let the stresses melt away, cares and worry for tomorrow or another day... just enjoy today ❤️ Find your happy. Make your happy. each and every single day! :)

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