Sunday, November 4, 2012

OH WHAT A DAY! Sunday November 4th

It is Sunday Nov 5th. I am SOOO SICK AGAIN - I think this is a sinus infection and double ear infection. My head is throbbing, pounding and I have a fever on and off hot and cold every few minutes with sweats etc... I barely made it through work yesterday didn't do anything but the bare minimal and lay around and sleep, for 12 hours. I could barely drive home. I took a bath, crawled into bed and slept for 12 hours, not waking up to my alarm (even with the time change, fall back giving me an extra hour) I over slept and was late to work, only 19 mintes amazingly!!!

Thank goodness there is no traffic on Sunday mornings. I almost got a ticket however a man was nice enough to cut me off (Yes, I said nice enough) and slow me down to avoid zooming by a state trooper at 80 plus mph in a 70. What an early Christmas present. At first I of course cursed the driver and thought now I'm going to be even later to work, but in retrospect I would have had been really late and had a ticket for speeding had he not cut me off. He did it on purpose so when I saw him adjust his mirror to look at me, I waved thank you. However when 70 dropped to 60 mph I still drove right by him thinking what are the odds there would be 2 troopers so close together and questioning whether or not I learned my lesson... heehee, obviously not. Anyway, I didn't get a ticket and I made it to work in a record 32 minutes 746 to 717 and clocked in at 719. Awesome.

Thank goodness it is a Sunday. It is the beginning of a new week, and pay period and the end of my long week, so I only work Wednesday & Thursday this upcoming week. Plus I have PTO later this month for my birthday and Thanksgiving, so I didn't want to call off sick. It is a Sunday, slow as ever, averaging 4 calls so I may as well be here and not home drugged up. Well, in order to get better I probably should be homein bed but I can do that the next two days. Good plan. I haven't eaten anything. Good diet. I didn't even have any caffeine yesterday, if that tells you how sick I really am. I just sipped room temperature water all day. I did make a cup of coffee this morning, haven't had any yet and drank a DIET PEPSI (because it was all I had cold rushing out the door) on my way into work. Those of you who know me, now that I don't ldrink DIET PEPSI EVER!!!! So I must be really sick to drink it, not be able to taste it.

Anyway... I am here at work and feeling better than yesterday, at least. If I don't feel on the mend tomorrow I'll go back to the doctor. Danny will be home, to take care of Lily so I can take of me. That's good.   

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