Tuesday, August 7, 2012

stuck in the middle?

I'm not in high school anymore

and don't play that crap.

I've been there, I've done that, and I've learned a little. (just a little)

I won't betray you, either one.

I won't leave anyone at time of need.

What kind of friend would that make me?

Unless you have done something I hold personally

to me personally...

Don't ever ask me if I am mad at you, You should know.

Of whom I agree? Do I choose a side? Do I speak with neither one and run and hide?

NO! I go about MY LIFE,  MY DAY, MY WAY!

I will not be a friend to one, or none. I won't choose.

Now cross me, personally and I guarantee...

I don't play dirty and unfair.

I am objective as I can be, I don't dish dirt or talk poor of one to another.

If people are no longer 'friends', that is between them. Were you really EVER 'friends'?

I won't stoop to follow someone down a hole that isn't mine, it's what you've made and choosen,
and I choose a different path.

So please don't pull, or push or try and sway.

My mind is set and forgive me if I am self righteous
by being indiscreminate and choosing the hard way.

If I don't have anything nice to say, I won't say anything.

Don't expect me to put up with this blockheaded stubborness for long.

It's getting old, fast. Like I said i've been there before, lost a lot of GREAT friends a long the way.... THANK GOD I learned that lesson all ready.

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