Tuesday, November 13, 2012

continued at...

please see me at mendezus3-2013.blogspot.com

sorry for the inconvienence!!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

OH WHAT A DAY! Sunday November 4th

It is Sunday Nov 5th. I am SOOO SICK AGAIN - I think this is a sinus infection and double ear infection. My head is throbbing, pounding and I have a fever on and off hot and cold every few minutes with sweats etc... I barely made it through work yesterday didn't do anything but the bare minimal and lay around and sleep, for 12 hours. I could barely drive home. I took a bath, crawled into bed and slept for 12 hours, not waking up to my alarm (even with the time change, fall back giving me an extra hour) I over slept and was late to work, only 19 mintes amazingly!!!

Thank goodness there is no traffic on Sunday mornings. I almost got a ticket however a man was nice enough to cut me off (Yes, I said nice enough) and slow me down to avoid zooming by a state trooper at 80 plus mph in a 70. What an early Christmas present. At first I of course cursed the driver and thought now I'm going to be even later to work, but in retrospect I would have had been really late and had a ticket for speeding had he not cut me off. He did it on purpose so when I saw him adjust his mirror to look at me, I waved thank you. However when 70 dropped to 60 mph I still drove right by him thinking what are the odds there would be 2 troopers so close together and questioning whether or not I learned my lesson... heehee, obviously not. Anyway, I didn't get a ticket and I made it to work in a record 32 minutes 746 to 717 and clocked in at 719. Awesome.

Thank goodness it is a Sunday. It is the beginning of a new week, and pay period and the end of my long week, so I only work Wednesday & Thursday this upcoming week. Plus I have PTO later this month for my birthday and Thanksgiving, so I didn't want to call off sick. It is a Sunday, slow as ever, averaging 4 calls so I may as well be here and not home drugged up. Well, in order to get better I probably should be homein bed but I can do that the next two days. Good plan. I haven't eaten anything. Good diet. I didn't even have any caffeine yesterday, if that tells you how sick I really am. I just sipped room temperature water all day. I did make a cup of coffee this morning, haven't had any yet and drank a DIET PEPSI (because it was all I had cold rushing out the door) on my way into work. Those of you who know me, now that I don't ldrink DIET PEPSI EVER!!!! So I must be really sick to drink it, not be able to taste it.

Anyway... I am here at work and feeling better than yesterday, at least. If I don't feel on the mend tomorrow I'll go back to the doctor. Danny will be home, to take care of Lily so I can take of me. That's good.   

Friday, November 2, 2012

San Marcos river night of fall festival

doesn't look like it was cold, but it sure was!!!

The San Marcos river - no one in it today!

so still and serene

 Now that is a cold looking sky...


Gorgeous!!! You can see the seaweed the water is sooo clear! Beautiful here I love it!!

Beautiful GIrl Nov 2nd

She's so big!!! my 5 1/2 yr old (well almost!)

Lily saw some bugs. You can't really see her expression but her mouth is wide open!

there's little bugs crawling on a flower, she was so cute watching them but she wouldn't get too close

beautiful giant daisy

Professional Halloween pictures - CHEERLEADER!!!

Schulle Canyon San Marcos Nov 1st

THIS TREE WAS SO GIANT, MASSIVE OVERHEAD... makes you realize how small you really are, to take in everything around you and not feel so high and mighty as to walk through like you are the king and everything surcomes to you. Makes you want to ask permission to enter. lol It was like a gate into the forest. Much needed retreat for me.


We had a staring contest. At first I thought she was a skunk, in the thick grass. I then realized it was her ears twitching. As I snapped her photo... She came out towards me from hiding, I thoguht maybe she wanted me to feed her, though she never jumped the fence and came closer. She is about 30 yards away here, 100 feet maybe. All the while there was a litle one behind her I never saw.

I imagine in the spring, the back of this would umbrella over and hide a person in there 

a stop along side the way

black and white shows some light shining though

beautiful trail, very well kept there

more thickness, depth and mist... :-) loven it

grey and dismal looking - but gorgeous - makes you feel - just feel!

Meadow and it is nice not to be so dense that you can see wildlife and feel the depth - makes you feel small.

gorgeous flowers...
these remind me of both Ruidoso and Cloudcroft and also Yellowstone!

at the trail's entrance... there were deer enervywhere and they are NOT scared of humans what-so-ever 

you can really see the depth in color... entering Schulle Canyon 'hiking' trail

sepia.. same picture

spooky looking entrance with a misty overcast.

a vintage glow some cacatus and haze.. combined just picturesque

playing with sepia...

look how simply green it is!!!

delicate looking little flowers

You can see the dew still on the tiny flowers. Gorgeous colors.

like lantana, gorgeous colors, taller than the lantana I am used to, but it was definitely lantana. Gorgeous!

looked foggy out, misty, was like walking through water...

some parts are more dense... love the different leaf types

a trail though the canyon but it is very well maintained and wheelchair acecssible even. smooth, no rocks, no gradient change... Gorgeous landscape, all natural otherwise.

i love these. Loovs like it's a hybiscus, but a miniture and it doesn't open. Just stays like this then wilts up...

great picture

wild vine all over this cactus... little flowers over something so prickly and contrast was just very... wild!

butterfly - this was striaght above my head - can't believe I got the picture at all, so if you an't see him really good forgive me. There was so much nature, silent but sooo mnay sounds, like it was sprinkling but could have just been the breeze knocking little leaves off the trees.

gorgeous red berries!!!

beautiful birds.

beautiful meadows, enough brush but cleared out to see as well

looks like a sad country song....