Tuesday, April 14, 2009





Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hello to my family and friends. I have the spring crud but am still up in my spirits! I placed an order from oriental trading company treating myself since I haven't indluged in awhile and am actually scrappen a lot these days!It's been a LONG weekend, a long last month!!! Albequerque with work, overtime, lots of stuff going on! Takes a lot out of you, and here I am writing you guys when I should be sleeping! I'll post pictures tomorrow! I just wanted to say love to you all! I really love my family and friends! You are my world!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I love NEW YORK!!!

And Auntie Jaime and
Uncle Mark
and little baby Aiden!

Let me help you hold it Daddy! Look, I'm a big girl helper!!! I love to water!
Water!!! YEAH!

Here are some pictures of our cutie helping Daddy wayter!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

lick!! She dug right in - Jolly Rancher Snowcone from the ice cream truck at the park - not the old fashion bubble gum like we used to eat!

look at that face!!!



scrunchy nose!
Can you see the tram?
Down and to the right.

On top of the world - well, Albequerque anyway!

On Sandia Peak's mountain top!!
Ceci, Cindy and Danielle


See the little people up there?

Me, Cindy, and Ceci
on the ground!

to the right of the repeaters is Sandia Peak, where we took a 4 mi tram ride up to!
What a weekend! Back from Albequerque, flight dispatch training! It was a blast! We learned SOOO much, had way too many cocktails! and went to some amazing places! We took the world's longest tram to the top of Sandia Peak and played in teh snow - 40 degree difference at 10,000 plus feet! It was AMAZING!!! Yes, i was scared... And we did downtown - a lot like old Mesilla. Billy the Kid and all but very interesting city - lots to do, definitely go back! I'll post just a few pictures - not toooooo many as to not bore you - also Lily had her first snow cone - I got GREAT PICTURES, of course! ENJOY!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


and the last goatee picture

another strange face!!!

and the black flakes on her cheek

are olives.

yogart face - she looks all sophisticated
and her eyelids, yogart and shirt match so perfect!
She eats much better in her chair at the table.

I had the suitcase out for my trip and here she is packing herself up for me to take her with, and her lambie and couch pillow. Isn't she pretty?

Big girl! I brought this dress before I even knew she was a girl!
She gets suckers from her Grammy. And she is looking so big with her pony tails and LONG legs!!!
These are the butterflies Lily and I made
for our garden. They are old clothespins,
pipe cleaners, tissue paper, pom pom balls
and wiggly eyes. I did the glue, she scrunched the
tissue paper and handed me the pom poms.
Hello all! I am at work again. Going for training in Albequerque this weekend though, nice break. I get alot done at work though, non work related! I am currently working on a Christmas album for Lily's first 2 Christmases. Also I have finished her 1st, well, almost 3 albums and am almost caught up. I still need to print August to December. It is a little expensive when you do all the pictures at once. I am current for this year too, still posting every week. I post on myspace, facebook, my blog (here, of course) and still email everyone. So if you check it out in more than one spot, know they are pretty much the same,. I also add my crafts on here, only scrapbooks right now. Hope you all don't get bored with me! Tag along! I'll bring my camera to the training too, for those of you at Rural, and also the scenary! Love to you - have a blessed day! And don't forget to stop and smell the roses!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

So here it is - the most pictures ever posted on a blog at once! Just kidding but if you can stand it... there is a whole scrapbook on here and her latest pics! I have to finish off with embleshments but... pretty much done and i have to pick up more pics tomorrow for her next 2 then I will at least be in 08! I'll try and keep up - posting them for you to see as I get them done. Getting lots of new page ideas too, of how to use patterns I'd never know how to start with before! And bright colored ones too! Multiple shades etc... Hope you enjoy it and it doesn't bore you - especailly you, oh crafty one! Hey I even used glitter on one - I'll make sure to send that one next time! It's a valentine's page, well it's called my two loves - lily and Danny of course! (and you thought it was talking adn scrappen!) JUST KIDDING! Luv to all! More soon!

new dress

Pretty in Pink!





Mommie look at me - I'm all wet! check out those board shorts - aww soo cute! And her new Nike size 6 now!

new shoes

check out my tupperware shoes! every girl needs a pair!

cry baby SPOILED!


playing on the front parch

playing out front while Daddy does yard work and Mommie takes a break! Check out the itty bitty tini wiennie red and black lady bug polka dot bikini! AWWW - TOO CUTE!!!

lily and Daddy

I'm still not awake after my nap cuddling on my Daddy while Mommie makes me mac adn cheese for lunch March 3rd

new idea

A new and courageous me! I've never used these colors or patterns, been getting ideas from a magazines This page will be for when danny gets his new grill this summer! !st time we grill on it - I was thinking black and whites. But I'm not sure. I've had teh stickers forever, just popped em up and out a little. I like the picnic feel, summery, and the top has tiki latterns and bottom, I think it is chef hats and ? And the black corners - big and bold. I might get a couple of black hinges or photo corners metal ones to top it off

lily scrapbook #1

last page...
Scott and Angel fought over who would see her first
Angel came to the hospital while Scott was at work
Scott came over to the house AS SOON
as we brought her home! She is disgruntled in her car seat for the ride home


There is Daddy! Wondered if he was gonna make it in huh?
And Mimi again and Mommie


On the left there is Louie and right, Frank Jones


basket from Nise! Flowers from Eric, my nephew and
Auntie Mel with Lily